Helping People Help Themselves
We all know that lifestyle plays a critical role in an individuals’ health. Kicking tobacco or losing weight can add years to someone’s life and improve the quality of their everyday experience.
However, most people don’t realize just how costly poor lifestyle choices are, in financial terms.
Research studies have found that half of current healthcare claims costs—and perhaps as much as 70 percent—could be prevented through lifestyle changes.
These figures do not begin to capture other costs to employers associated with employee absenteeism and lost productivity caused by poor health.
At Patient Advocates, we offer a proven program of member education, wellness initiatives and onsite medical screenings to help individuals make lifestyle changes that transform health outcomes. Areas of discussion and teaching often include dietary changes, exercise programs, safety precautions, smoking cessation, stress management and other health/wellness suggestions.
Not only does this program improve employee health and productivity, it reduces costs. It also leads to better worker morale, as employees come to understand and appreciate that the company is working on their behalf to improve their health.
To help your employees start making changes in their everyday lives that will keep them healthy and improve your bottom line, call (800) 290-8559.